The Concept of Death in the Work of José Marí­a Arguedas and his Relationship to “lo Real Maravilloso”


  • Reynaldo Oscar Santa Cruz Cabrera Universidad de Lima



Death, Real Maravilloso, Rasu Ñiti, Latin America


The article examines the vision of death proposed in the work of the Peruvian writer José Marí­a Arguedas, specifically in the analysis of the story “La agoní­a de Rasu-Ñiti” (1962), and its relationship with the approach to “lo real maravilloso”. The methodology of the work consisted in a revision done by various scholars who delved into the topic of the Arguedian aesthetic, that led to the exploration of the mentioned story, proposing a reading that takes into account the literary and cultural aspects of its singular perspective. The structure of the article begs a brief contextualization of the concept of death from the perspective of the Latin American “real maravilloso”. Following must be a focus on the description and exemplification of death in the aforementioned story. It should be noted the intention behind proposing the story in question is to demonstrate it as a arepresentative example of the vision of death in Arguedas”™ narrative. Finally, it is concluded that “La agoní­a de Rasu-Ñiti”, thanks to the perception of death that it exhibits, shows several features that approach Arguedas to the continental movement called “lo Real Maravilloso”.


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Author Biography

Reynaldo Oscar Santa Cruz Cabrera, Universidad de Lima

Reynaldo Oscar Santa Cruz Cabrera es licenciado en Sociologí­a por la Universidad de San Martí­n de Porres y magí­ster en Literatura por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se desempeña como docente en la Universidad de Lima y fue coordinador de Arte y Humanidades en la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Asimismo, es miembro del Colegio de Sociólogos del Perú como también del Gremio de Escritores del Perú. Ha publicado libros de ficción y ensayos, por los que ha obtenido reconocimientos a nivel nacional como en el extranjero. Su obra, Monólogo nostálgico sobre La Habana, fue adaptada al cine en los Estados Unidos, bajo el tí­tulo Alone y participó en el Festival Internacional de Miami en 2015.



How to Cite

Santa Cruz Cabrera, R. O. (2018). The Concept of Death in the Work of José Marí­a Arguedas and his Relationship to “lo Real Maravilloso”. Cuadernos Literarios, 12(15), 109–128.