José Carlos Mariátegui and Cinema: Between Hollywood and a Nude Charlot


  • Chrystian Zegarra Colgate University



José Carlos Mariátegui, Charles Chaplin, Amauta, Hollywood, intermediality, silent cinema


This article analyzes relevant intermedial connections between José Carlos Mariátegui’s essayistic and literary texts and the cinema of his time. It will demonstrate how cinematic themes appear extensively in his work, from the texts written in his youth to the essays published in Amauta and other journals at the end of the 1920s. Mariátegui always followed closely the development of the artistic, literary, and political movements of his time, and participated actively in the debates on the character of avant-garde art and literature. Thus, the interest he took in the technical innovations of the cinema mirrors his willingness to reflect on the impact of the seventh art on the intellectual and everyday life of modern individuals, both in Europe and in Latin America. It will then be remarked how Mariátegui’s perception of cinema evolves from an initial negative appraisal of the Hollywood industry’s frivolous and artificial cinematic products to a fully favorable recognition of cinema as a revolutionary tool that can stimulate the critical consciousness of spectators. This last perception is embodied in the figure of Charles Chaplin, whom Mariátegui considered the “quintessential anti-bourgeois”.


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Author Biography

Chrystian Zegarra, Colgate University

Chrystian Zegarra se doctoró en Literatura Hispánica en la University of California-Los Angeles. Enseña en Colgate University (Nueva York). Publicó el libro El celuloide mecanografiado: la poesía cinemática de E. A. Westphalen. Algunos de sus artículos han aparecido en Bulletin of Hispanic StudiesHispaméricaIntiHispanic Poetry Review, Mester, Hispanic Journal, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana. Ha publicado ensayos en volúmenes editados en Europa, Latinoamérica y Estados Unidos. Coeditó dos libros sobre la obra poética, narrativa y periodística del escritor Luis Valle Goicochea, así como el volumen colectivo Partera de la historia: violencia en literatura, performance y medios audiovisuales en Latinoamérica (en prensa). Contribuye con anotaciones bibliográficas sobre poesía peruana al Handbook of Latin American Studies.



How to Cite

Zegarra, C. (2021). José Carlos Mariátegui and Cinema: Between Hollywood and a Nude Charlot. Cuadernos Literarios, 15(18), 9–29.