The Aesthetic Feeling as a Notion Inherited from Modernism in Las Canciones de Rinono y Papagil (1932) by Luis Valle Goicochea


  • Philarine Stephany Villanueva Ccahuana Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Las Canciones de Rinono y Papagil, Luis Valle Goicochea, Aesthetic Feeling, Modernism


This paper aims to analyze how aesthetic feeling as a notion inherited from modernism operates in Las Canciones de Rinono y Papagil (1932) by Luis Valle Goicochea (La Libertad, 1908 - Lima, 1953), who belonged to the intellectual movement of northern
Peru. An approach to his collection of poems is proposed in a critical dialogue with the central proposals in the intellectual literary field of that movement still linked (but in tension) with modernist aesthetics. We conclude that compared to the group of avantgarde who fixed their gaze on the urban life of the modern city and used a rhetoric in tune with that progressive ideas, Valle Goicohea’s work questions that paradigm of modernity, focusing on rural spaces and using simple language that evokes children’s orality, because it responds to his aesthetic feeling (a notion inherited from modernism) as a way of ensuring
the authenticity of his artistic work and his figure as an artist. At the same time, in his search to capture an authentic aesthetic experience, he opens up new possibilities of creation (beyond the current aesthetic-ideological movements) from a place of enunciation outside of the capital.


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Author Biography

Philarine Stephany Villanueva Ccahuana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Philarine Stefany Villanueva Ccahuana es historiadora del arte y crítica literaria. Tiene estudios completos de doctorado en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima-Perú). Es magíster en Arte Peruano y Latinoamericano, y licenciada en Literatura en la misma casa de estudios. Es docente universitaria e investigadora acreditada por RENACYT-CONCYTEC. Publicó el libro Jorge Vinatea Reinoso. Una propuesta indigenista en su lenguaje pictórico (2019). También, ha publicado artículos en revistas indizadas nacionales e internacionales sobre la obra de Antonio Cisneros, Camilo Blas, José Uriel García, entre otros. Sus líneas de investigación son los indigenismos artístico-literarios y los movimientos intelectuales durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX.



How to Cite

Villanueva Ccahuana, P. S. (2022). The Aesthetic Feeling as a Notion Inherited from Modernism in Las Canciones de Rinono y Papagil (1932) by Luis Valle Goicochea. Cuadernos Literarios, 16(19), 105–116.