El caso de Uchuraccay y la construcción de la memoria histórica a través de la ficción en Rupay


  • Pedro Carlos Espinoza Huaroto Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal




Comic Strip, Historical Memory, Fictional, Uchuraccay


The objective of our research is to help build a Peruvian historical memory based on the fictionalization of the elements of the Rupay comic strip, in particular the story around the Uchuraccay massacre, January 1983, which was adapted by Jesús Cossio, Luis Rossell and Alfredo Villar. This work needs to be analyzed from conceptual frameworks around history and literature. From this, the relationships between concepts such as historical memory (Maurice Halbwachs, Tzvetan Todorov, Elizabeth Jelin), fictionalization (Lubomír Doležel) and the elements of the language of the comic strip (Juan Acevedo, Daniele Barbieri, Scott McCloud) allow us to provide a novel literary aesthetic around the theme of terrorism in Peru. Based on the correlation of these concepts, it will be possible to demonstrate that the elements of the comic strip build a Peruvian historical memory around the events that occurred in Uchuraccay and that they are part of Rupay.


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Author Biography

Pedro Carlos Espinoza Huaroto, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Pedro Carlos Espinoza Huaroto es bachiller en Literatura por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (UNFV). Ha participado en el Congreso Internacional “Julio Ramón Ribeyro: por tiempo indefinido” (2014), XVIII y XIX Coloquio de Estudiantes de Literatura PUCP y VII Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes de Literatura (CONELIT). Actualmente, se desempeña como docente y ha terminado estudios de maestría en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil - Animación a la Lectura en la escuela de Posgrado de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae (UCSS).



How to Cite

Espinoza Huaroto, P. C. (2023). El caso de Uchuraccay y la construcción de la memoria histórica a través de la ficción en Rupay. Cuadernos Literarios, 17(20), 137–162. https://doi.org/10.35626/cl.20.2023.321